4 Ways To Get Your Baby To Say Mama

Bridget Hillsberg
March 29, 2020

What is the one word that you are dying to get your baby to say?!“Dada”? NO!! “MAMA!” Of course, it’s “Mama”. But what do they always say first? “Dada!” At Speech Sisters, we want to teach you 4 tricks that you can use to help your baby say “Mama.” Let’s start with a few pointers - First, we want you to repeat the word “Mama” again and again and again. The more you say it, the more they hear it, the faster they learn it. Secondly, don't say “SAY Mama”, as this often puts pressure on our little ones and deters them from actually saying the word. Next, we want you to appear or show yourself as you say the word “Mama.” This allows your child to make an association and brings meaning to the word. Lastly, make learning this word really fun! Because what’s fun is motivating!

1️. Get hands on!

Allow your baby to feel your mouth as you make the "M" sound! This way they can SEE your mouth, HEAR the sound/word, and FEEL the "M" sound! We call this “The Trifecta”, which simultaneously gives your baby visual, auditory and tactile feedback to repeat the word after you!

2. Peek-a-boo mommy!

Hide behind a door or under a blanket. When you jump out, you will tap yourself and say “Mama”! Do this many times in a row to help add meaning. After doing this several times...do it and DON’T pop out. Let’s see if your baby says “Mama” to get you to appear.

3. Photobook mama!

Make a picture album that has a lot of pictures (or only pictures) of you. Every time you come up in the book, point to your picture and say “Mama”! Do this many times in a row to help add meaning. After doing this several times...point to a picture of yourself, WAIT, and DON’T say “Mama” - Does your baby say “Mama” instead?!

4. Video mama!

Only do this if you are comfortable and always follow AAP screen time guidelines. But this can be a cute, 10 second, stimulating way to get your baby motivated to say “Mama”. Film yourself and pop in and out of the screen. When you appear on the screen say, “Mama”! Do this "pop-in" 4 times, on the 5th time you will stay out of the screen a little bit longer and then pop back in and WAIT 5 seconds before saying “Mama”. Let’s see if your baby says “Mama” during that anticipated pause!

You can see all of this in action on our IGTV and Youtube channel on a video labeled "4 ways to get your baby to say mama"! If you want your baby to start using even more words, check out our evidence-based first 45 function focus words...You can find them in our Talk On Track course! This class is designed for babies newborn-14 months to get them from babbling into saying their first words independently!

To learn simple and effective strategies to help get your little one talking, check out our Talk on Track (newborn-14 months) and Time to Talk: Toddler Course (15-36 months). We’d love to equip you to experience the joy of your little one talking to you!

Bridget Hillsberg
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