Speech Sisters Freebies

Free List: 45 Functional Key Words
Find out out recommended functional words to teach your child FIRST before moving on to others!
For babies 2+ months and up
Based on building vocabulary that communications wants and needs
Recommended by Speech Pathologists

Quiz: Speech Sound Screener
Get instant personalized results and a blueprint on how to get your child speaking more clearly and consistently.
For ages 18 months and older
Based on developmental norms
Developed by Speech Pathologists

Free Webinar: Does My Child Need Speech Therapy?
If you’re wondering if your child’s speech development is on track, you are not alone! We get asked this question all the time. Join us in our free webinar to find out.
Led by Speech-Language Therapists
We can relate as moms of babies & toddlers
Leave with research & evidence based strategies

Quiz: Is my child meeting speech & language milestones?
Take our popular 2-minute quiz and we'll give you a personalized plan to help your child's speech development.
Review speech and language milestones
Get personalized results for your child
Learn what to do next!

Free PDF: Language Milestones Checklist
Download our language milestones checklist for free to learn how your baby is tracking with CDC language milestones.
Understand receptive & expressive language
Know which milestones your baby should hit and when
Get peace of mind that your baby is talking on track

Free PDF: 5 Things to Stop Doing to Get Your Child to START Talking
When your kiddo isn’t talking, the natural reflex of any parent is to do MORE. Talk more, ask more, try more. Believe it or not, you may actually need to do less!
Learn 5 speech secrets to get your child communicating
Understand what to stop doing and what to do instead
Know what to do next!