Time to Talk
An online course for parents of toddlers 15 months to 36 months


Learn our simple, speech secrets so you can get your toddler talking
This course is perfect for you if
Your child has a word or two, and you want to know how to teach them more.
You child is already talking, and you want to keep the momentum going.
You're starting to worry your child might be falling behind with their communication milestones.

Get your child talking by climbing up The Language Ladder.

Discover and correct the #1 mistake parents make that actually discourages their toddler from talking.
Module 1
Learn the surprising secret to helping your toddler move from gestures and sounds to actual words.
Module 2
Get the inside scoop on a strategy professional speech therapists use to accelerate language development.
Module 3
Help your toddler learn, remember, and use more and more words.
Module 4
Find out how to grow your toddler's language skills, not just their vocabulary.
Module 5
Discover how to eliminate speech-related frustration and grow your toddler's communication confidence.
Module 6
Uncover a common mistake that makes some kids clam up—and what to do instead.
Module 7
Learn how to expand your child’s language abilities from sounds to words to sentences.
Module 8
Identify what motivates babies the most when it comes to vocabulary and language development.
Module 9
Have a late talker?
If you have a child who “should be talking by now” but isn’t, you might be feeling anxious and overwhelmed. And if you’re like most parents we talk to, you’re probably feeling guilty, too—wondering if it’s your fault your child is struggling. It’s not your fault, and your little one’s language challenge says nothing about you as a parent. You’re doing great. Keep going!
You are the best person to encourage your child’s language development.
Time to Talk: Toddler Course will show you how. (It’s easier than you think!)